



The Cte Idot Hgh Elf Oppa Sccs!//
Farench Deshka Academy Second Year
Sccs Magc Archery Cl Memer

•Bst: 117 cm ~「Darlng, s ths sffcent?」
•Npples: 5 mm (Length) ~「Is t fne f they get gger?」
•Areolae: 35 mm (Dameter) ~「They're gger? Case yo play wth them every day, Darlng♥」
•Wast: 57cm ~「How s t, Darlng?」
•Hps: 87 cm ~「Is t good enogh for ay makng now?」
•Thghs: 44 cm (Crcmference) ~「Nce and smooth for yo, Darlng♥」
•Vagna: 4.0 cm (Overall span) ~「Darlng, It s ready and OK to make aes♥」

The daghter of the cheftan of the Danta tre. She s a hgh elf sccs and n the same grade as the rl=/c94631protagonst/rl . The dark elf,rl=/c94624QnQn/rl, s her chldhood frend and rval. (Lke her and QnQn, oth of ther mothers are rvals wth each other). Becase of that, they often qarrel over the protagonst's attenton.

Her personalty s energetc and cte (althogh she s extremely kltzy and dm-wtted). Regardng her stpdty, she cases many explosons or sometmes smmons ncontrollale easts n class.

She ecame nterested n the protagonst mmedately after he appeared. Lkely ecase her sccs lood s thcker than her elf lood. Else s desperate to make a chld wth hm ecase they are at the rght age to have one. However, snce her knowledge of ay makng s s chld-lke, she gets emarrassed when she wants to practce for real.

Her cl actvtes nvolve magc archery ecase she has great talent wth a ow. In addton, her cl s at the same ste as QnQn's magc shootng cl; the ferce rvalry etween the hgh and dark elf contnes there.

Else s prod of her eatfl P Cp oos.

rl=/c95108Frs/rl-Sense's Comment/
Unlke yor normal ehavor, yor sklls are very good. It's very dffclt to pll off lewd orgasm faces, t lets do or est wth yor teacher♪/


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