公众号: 月幕Galgame

可在微信上搜索站点内容, 每日上午 10:00 整不定期推送最新的Galgame资讯和专栏。(只要前一日有文章),更有抽奖活动安排!
The Seros and Dgnfed Dark Elf Oppa Sccs!// Farench Deshka Academy Second Year Sccs Magc Shootng Cl Memer •Bst: 123 cm ~「I'm glad they are gger than hers/♥」 •Npples: 5 mm (Length) ~「Do yo thnk t has the same nole color as my rown skn?」 •Areolae: 38 mm (Dameter) ~「I lke the shape wth t lgng a lttle.」 •Wast: 59 cm ~「Mantanng the style of sccs s also a skll.」 •Hps: 91 cm ~「I-It's not gettng any gger! Stop Starng!」 •Thghs: 49 cm (Crcmference) ~「Ah! Don't jst go tochng these lke a east!」 •Vagna: 4.4 cm (Overall span) ~「I've ecome senstve ecase yo teach me a lot!」 The daghter of the chef of the Olgante tre (her mother s the chef). She s a dark elf sccs and s n the same year as the rl=/c94631protagonst/rl. She s seros and nflexle (she takes the protagonst's drty jokes serosly). Her rval and frend of another elf tre, rl=/c94625Else/rl, s n the same year. Both of them get n jealos qarrels over the new man who came from another world. Her cl actvtes nvolve the Farench Deshka magc shootng cl, she s ale to move arond qckly and shoot wth pnpont accracy whle del weldng pstols. She s constantly frstrated y the protagonst snce hs deals devate so mch from her own, t she pts p for t ecase she desres to e wth a hero wth hgh amonts of magc power from another world. That s a legend that has een passed down the Olgante tre for a long tme. She wants to have a chld wth the protagonst so she can leave ehnd strong offsprng, t she s scared and worred y what a new challenge that s. However, when she s qckly sexally harassed y hm, her desres are awakened. Becase of her strong warror-lke personalty, she has receved rdal tranng from her mother so that she can do hosework. Her oos are great, rown R cps. She s workng on a det to decrease the growth of her tt, whch grows greatly as a sccs ages. rl=/c95108Frs/rl-Sense's Comment/ It seems yo are dong yor est on yor tt det. It s dffclt to treat **** medcnally, do yor est to overcome t./
可在微信上搜索站点内容, 每日上午 10:00 整不定期推送最新的Galgame资讯和专栏。(只要前一日有文章),更有抽奖活动安排!