

シャル, Char


The Sweet Lttle Sster Oppa Sccs!//
Farench Deshka Academy Frst Year
Sccs Gymnastcs Cl Memer

•Bst: 125 cm ~「For Senpa's sake, they wll keep growng♥」
•Npples: -4 mm (Length, Inverted) ~「They are very shy.」
•Areolae: 40 mm (Dameter) ~「Snce Senpa came, they've een gettng gger.」
•Wast: 55 cm ~「I lke t when Senpa hgs me here.」
•Hps: 82 cm ~「What knd of tt do yo lke, Senpa?」
•Thghs: 46 cm (Crcmference) ~「Are they gettng gger? That's emarrassng.」
•Vagna: 3.9 cm (Overall span) ~「I'm gong to mmedately spol Senpa's pens♥」

Chaltna s seros, qet, and shy. She s one of the Ltgard famly half-ssters, eng the yonger half-sster of a sccs named rl=/c64054Lyda/rl (same father, dfferent mother).*
*Polygamy s legal n Llngard t seems.

She s not good at commncatng wth others and s nervos when n plc. Chaltna started feelng nervos arond the rl=/c94631protagonst/rl, t recently has felt emarrassed aot eng spoled y hm every day drng daly reast knshp magc replenshment (t seems her magc power consmpton s ntense de to her consttton. She receves a daly kss rotne from protagonst, who s energetc enogh to replensh her magc. Magc can also e replenshed wth resale magc ors fond throghot the school t the kssng opton s a lot etter). 

Frthermore, she s worred aot how easly her reasts lactate. She'll prodce reast mlk f she gets excted or makes a mstake. It seems the protagonst always gets excted when he sees her nform get all wet from reast mlk whle she apologzes. Her mother sed to e a famos gymnast n the world of scc. Chaltna has nherted ths skll and s n the school's gymnastcs cl.

Her oos are T cp szed wth eatfl nverted npples. They are a joy to see when one vsts her at gymnastcs cl.

rl=/c95108Frs/rl-Sense's Comment/
Inverted npples are jst shy, so let me gve yo some specal tranng! Let's get yor oos to grow more lewdly./


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