公众号: 月幕Galgame

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The Vrgn Berserker Oppa Sccs!// Farench Deshka Academy Frst Year •Bst: 131 cm ~「Master, are we dong oo tranng today as well?♥」 •Npples: 12 mm (Length) ~「Master? How s ths?」 •Areolae: 34 mm (Dameter) ~「Master, don't pnch♥」 •Wast: 60 cm ~「Is t to yor lkng, Master?」 •Hps: 94 cm ~「It eng a t g s a lttle emarrassng.」 •Thghs: 48 cm (Crcmference) ~「They are not fat.」 •Vagna: 3.9 cm (Overall span) ~「Master says t s very tght♥」 A erserker vrgn sccs created y an old scc cvlzaton over 1000 years ago. Frst year stdent. The rl=/c94631protagonst/rl accdentally actvated the erserker, who was asleep n a corner of the school. The rl=/c94659drector/rl of the school entrsts hm wth managng her (t s a mracle that he actvated her snce only a female shold have een ale to awaken her). Once she s awakened, she recognzes the protagonst as her master. She has the same hmanod ody strctre lke any person, t she s powered solely y perverted desre. Pham has a seros personalty, t s very knd and gentle. She always takes care of the protagonst and s devoted to e hs sheld. The war of the old sccs cvlzaton ended efore she cold e deployed n attle, so she was pt n sleep mode. There s no prolems wth her motor fnctons after wakng p, t her knowledge of sexal skll has jst een ntalzed. She s tryng to otan tre fncton as a sccs wth edcaton from the protagonst (She does have qrky aspects of her personalty as well). Her magc skll s extremely powerfl and has talent wth explosve magc. Bt she s too powerfl and caton s taken when she s arond the protagonst. It seems she gets along very well wth rl=/c94628Sopha/rl, who s also a frst year. Orgnally, she was wearng an eye mask at the tme of actvaton de to an actve magc skll. Bt wth the help of the magc spell ook, her skll wll not e actvated when she takes t off (Ths skll makes the opposte sex mmedately horny throgh eye contact alone. She wears a lndfold whle ths skll s actve ecase t ses a lot of magc power). Her oos are U Cps made wth the latest technology! They are soft and elastc even when wearng her attle st! rl=/c95108Frs/rl-Sense's Comment/ Yo're very good at eng lewd, t please try to e more maden-lke for men so that yo can have sex wthot reakng them./
可在微信上搜索站点内容, 每日上午 10:00 整不定期推送最新的Galgame资讯和专栏。(只要前一日有文章),更有抽奖活动安排!