

ソフィ, Sophie


The Sweet Vampre Oppa Sccs!//
Farench Deshka Academy Frst Year

•Bst: 98 cm ~「Are yo fne wth these gettng gger?」
•Npples: 0.8 mm (Length) ~「The small sze s cte, sn't t?」
•Areolae: 25 mm (Dameter) ~「If t gets too g, t wll e erotc.」
•Wast: 52 cm ~「Yo want a small wast♥」
•Hps: 75 cm ~「m, t's fne for me to get a lttle gger here?」
•Thghs: 36 cm (Crcmference) ~「My thghs★how are they?」
•Vagna: 3.5 cm (Overall span) ~「Becase my ody s small, over here s small too?」

A frst year sccs at Farench Deshka Academy. She s also a vampre.

When the rl=/c94631protagonst/rl went to the nfrmary and went to ed, he nknowngly crawled nto the same ed as Sopha. Snce sleepng n the nfrmary, he has had more opportntes to spend tme wth her. She s qet, nnocent, and can e a lttle selfsh.

She hals from a famos vampre clan, her mother eng a vampre and her father eng an ncs. She was rased lke a prncess, so she s a t naïve. Becase of her vampre consttton, she s more actve at nght and sleeps n class drng the day. De to ths, daytme actvty drans a lot of her energy and has to e replenshed wth ksses (she lkes to kss the protagonst over the academy's magc replenshment ors). However, when her magc energy gets replenshed, she goes n heat de to her sccs lood.

Sopha acts cool and dstant from the protagonst, t gets mad when he gnores her and s not gettng spoled. She also lkes talkng to hm aot the world he came from, often spendng tme lstenng to hm tell stores aot lfestyle and entertanment not fond n Yggdrasl.

Her oos are stll developng J Cps!

rl=/c95108Frs/rl-Sense's Comment/
Snce yo nherted the lood of a vampre, yo shold e ale to sck ot a lot of semen. Lets mprove yor erecton accontng and stdy the natonal sckng langage♪/


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