公众号: 月幕Galgame

可在微信上搜索站点内容, 每日上午 10:00 整不定期推送最新的Galgame资讯和专栏。(只要前一日有文章),更有抽奖活动安排!
The Masochst Paladn Oppa Sccs!// Farench Deshka Academy Second Year Sccs Sword Fghtng Cl Memer •Bst: 120 cm ~「T-Ths s also a "weapon" for the sccs.」 •Npples: 8 mm (Length) ~「They chafe n my armor...they jst keep growng.」 •Areolae: 36 mm (Dameter) ~「D-Don't complment them! That's emarrassng!」 •Wast: 57 cm ~「I'm carefl. It's ecase I always do strct tranng.」 •Hps: 87 cm ~「What s t!? W-Why do yo care aot my tt so mch!?」 •Thghs: 46 cm (Crcmference) ~「Stop starng! They are not fat!」 •Vagna: 4.3 cm (Overall span) ~「Y-Yo won't get anywhere wth complments...♥」 Celesta s a paladn sccs n the sword fghtng cl who devotes herself everyday to eng strong and chvalros. She s n the same grade as the rl=/c94631protagonst/rl. Althogh her personalty s seros and dgnfed when t comes to the sword, she s not very strct n most matters and s very frendly. Her strong chvalros atttde sppresses her nstnctve desres as a sccs for the most part. However, ecase she s a sccs, she'll have lewd delsons and e vlnerale to erotc attacks. She sally enjoys mastratng once or twce a week, t snce she met the protagonst, the amont has een gradally ncreasng. Celesta mastrates daly now. Althogh her famly has scc, her famly s also famos as paladns. Her mother s a famos paladn and gld master. Becase she works so hard on swordsmanshp everyday, t seems she has no sklls for eng a rde. Untl she met the protagonst, she wasn't nterested n real men at all. Bt ecase of hs daly sexal harassments, she egan to form masochstc desres. She has great Q Cp oos that are nce and sprngy thanks to daly sword tranng! rl=/c95108Frs/rl-Sense's Comment/ Yo recently started a specal tranng wth yor mother on a pens ftness machne.... Please teach me how to se t next tme./
可在微信上搜索站点内容, 每日上午 10:00 整不定期推送最新的Galgame资讯和专栏。(只要前一日有文章),更有抽奖活动安排!