公众号: 月幕Galgame

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The Cheerleadng Tsndere Oppa Sccs!// Farench Deshka Academy Second Year Sccs Cheerleadng Cl Memer •Bst: 118 cm ~「Oh? Yo want to toch? Yo got to e kddng me!」 •Npples: 3 mm (Length) ~「Ah! mlk s comng ot.」 •Areolae: 35 mm (Dameter)~「Ths s jst the sze seen throgh my ra, nderstand?」 •Wast: 56 cm ~「I have confdence n ths small wast ♥」 •Hps: 84 cm ~「For easy chldrth!」 •Thghs: 47 cm (Crcmference) ~「Ff, want me to sqeeze yo ntl yo fant?」 •Vagna: 4.2 cm (Overall span) ~「N-No, I cant let yo toch that.」 A sccs that fell n love wth the rl=/c94631protagonst/rl when she saw hm tryng a smmonng rtal n hs world n the past. She s cheerfl and energetc, as well as loved y her classmates. However, n front of the protagonst, she ecomes a prod tsndere and can get rrtated easly. At frst she looked at the protagonst (throgh a crystal all), who faled at many attempts to smmon a sccs, wth dotng eyes. Bt wth hm eng rght n front of her, she can not help t feel sexally attracted. For ths reason, she sally takes a haghty atttde wth hm to control herself. Bt she cannot refse hm once he's seros (she happly accepts hm whle pretendng to e pset). She has a personalty n whch she cannot convey her feelngs properly. Even f the protagonst lkes her, snt t ecase of the aphrodsac effect of the sccs? He doesn't seem to mnd thogh. Caryle elongs to the Farench Deshka cheerleadng cl. When the protagonst comes y, she cheers for hs lower parts whle her Q cp szed oos shake volently! rl=/c95108Frs/rl-Sense's Comment/ Please do yor est to overcome yor weaknesses n the "Boo Sckng" and "Mlt-Creampe Shootng" corses./
可在微信上搜索站点内容, 每日上午 10:00 整不定期推送最新的Galgame资讯和专栏。(只要前一日有文章),更有抽奖活动安排!