公众号: 月幕Galgame

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"What's wrong, Yr? Have yo fnshed work already?" She s the chancellor of Njo Crane Academy n addton to eng the sense's ant and Kk's mother. She s very mportant and has taken n Yr, who was nemployed, as a temporary teacher to the academy. ......Why s the chancellor so mportant? In the frst place, what knd of work does she sally do? Most people proaly thnk of her as someone who comes to the school once n a whle and gves a long talk at the mornng assemly. Or perhaps, her percepton as a "sspcos" person s more mportant. Her age s nknown. She has exceptonal good looks and always has a sspcos smle on her face. Ths new sense she roght wth her also has a reptaton for freqently dsappearng somewhere. It s very sspcos. Maye snce he s her nephew, he knows somethng aot her? "Ever snce I was a kd, she wold come y my hose and sddenly leave on rare occason. I only fond ot aot her professon when she hred me. She s a very secretve and sspcos person"/ Is that somethng to say aot someone's enefactor who saved hm from nemployment? If that's the case, she s defntely sspcos. GAME SPEC// Race: --- Heght: 175 cm Occpaton: ---
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