師岡 卓也
師岡 卓也

師岡 卓也



Nicknamed "Moro", Takuya is the group's resident otaku and part of a small sub-group in Yamato's class composed of those who don't fit the "ikemen/cool guy" image.

While his interest in girls is on the same level as Gakuto, Takuya suffers from low self esteem, and is not outgoing enough to pick up girls on his own. He often has to act as the voice of reason, correcting the members of the cast that are more open about chasing girls. He is not a saint, however, as he is willing to peep and such if given the opportunity.

The other members of the family try to be careful of what they say around him, as certain key words (mostly related to computers and technology in general) have a tendency to send him into uncontrollable rants about computer parts and software.

The story suggests that he has a crush on Miyako, but her unwillingness to give up on Yamato is too big a hurdle for Moro to overcome./


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