九鬼 英雄
九鬼 英雄

九鬼 英雄



Kuki Hideo is a student of Kawakami Academy and the class rep of class 2-S. He never wears the Academy's uniform, and he prefers to use his Yellow/gold high-class tuxedo. Hideo has two sisters, an older sister (Ageha), and a little sister (Monshiro). He is also the son of Kuki Mikado and Kuki Tsubone. 

Hideo has a crush on Kazuko, he fell in love with her cheerful attitude and for the fact that she always tries to surpass her previous self and never give up. He also tends to argue with the members of the Kazama Family when they're being too friendly with Kazuko, or when they interrupt his attempts to talk with Kazuko.

Hideo believes he is going to be the future ruler of the world since he is superior to the rest of the people for being a member of the Kuki Family. He also has only recognized Aoi Touma to be on the same level with him because of his intellect, and because of this, he consideres him as his friend and always listens to what he has to say.

Taken from url=http://majikoi.wikia.com/wiki/Hideo_KukiMajikoi Wiki


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