公众号: 月幕Galgame

可在微信上搜索站点内容, 每日上午 10:00 整不定期推送最新的Galgame资讯和专栏。(只要前一日有文章),更有抽奖活动安排!
一个城寨的年轻首领,后来成为哈克奥罗的左右手,因哈克奥罗曾2度救过他的性命,敬仰的称呼其“大哥”。血气方刚的青年,单方面地把贝纳威视为宿敌。动作迅速的二刀流尤其得意,是图斯库尔步兵队队长。非常关心体弱多病的妹妹柚叶。有时候会做一些非常滑稽的事(一般来说总和柚叶有关)。 Oboro was in the beginning an impulsive and somewhat egotistical bandit chief of a village near the one which Hakuoro dwells in. Overpowering these traits, however, is his care for his younger sister, Yuzuha, to whom he would bring Tuskur to oversee her health. Oboro's main weapons of choice are two long, light swords, which he uses to execute swift fighting techniques. When Hakuoro becomes the leader of the country's rebellion, Oboro joins forces with Hakuoro and swears eternal allegiance, with revenge for Tuskur among his reasons, calling Hakuoro his brother./
可在微信上搜索站点内容, 每日上午 10:00 整不定期推送最新的Galgame资讯和专栏。(只要前一日有文章),更有抽奖活动安排!