Robert Erlenmeyer
Robert Erlenmeyer

Robert Erlenmeyer

The Mysterious Bust Killer


The victim of this case, Robert was the infamous Mysterious Bust Killer. Allegedly murdered, his body has yet to be found.

Robert Erlenmeyer is actually not dead- his "murder" was an elaborate stunt orchestrated by Paul Strings and Robert's twin brother, Shawn O. Fisher/Bob Erlenmeyer, to break him out of prison. Robert is not actually the Mysterious Bust Killer, too. The real Mysterious Bust Killer is Rhea Wits. Rhea Wits took advantage of his insanity and convinced him that he was the Mysterious Bust Killer, which explains his insisting he is so. 

Rhea murders Robert in order to make it look like he had "escaped", thus, she would have been able to murder as much as she liked and the police would just think it's Robert. His mental problems are rooted from the time his pet cat had died in a car accident when he was a child. Although it wasn't his fault, it still traumastised him. Before his incarceration as the "Mysterious Bust Killer", Robert was working as a biology teacher.



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