北木 滝太
北木 滝太

北木 滝太

Wocky KitakiWilly Kitaki


Wocky Kitaki is the heir of the Kitaki family, a family of feared gangsters in Los Angeles. He is accused of killing Pal Meraktis, a doctor, and is engaged to Alita Tiala. Wocky disagrees with his father Winfred, who is trying to make "clean money". Wocky thinks the Kitaki family should keep with the "gangster" tradition. 

Wocky is a typical "gangsta" type; he loves girls that need protecting and he thinks his dad is weak for wanting to get out of the family gangster tradition. He is quite engrossed in the archetypal "gangsta" life, being pleased at the thought of going to jail, in order to get some "street cred". Deep down, his father claims, Wocky has a good heart.

Around December of 2025, Wocky Kitaki was shot in a turf war with the Rivales family. The bullet was lodged next to his heart. He was taken to the Meraktis clinic, where he met Alita Tiala, who was working as a nurse at the time. Some time after the operation to remove the bullet, Wocky and Tiala became engaged. After the shooting, the Kitakis began to move away from the gangster lifestyle to try and make an honest living. Wocky, however, refused to go along with what he considered a sell-out move. 

Six months later, during a sudden family check-up report that his father had initiated, Wocky found out that his bullet had not, in fact, been removed. Indeed, the operation was nearly impossible, with few in the world capable of performing it successfully; Meraktis had hid this devastating fact from the Kitakis to protect himself.

Furious, Wocky confronted Meraktis at People Park with a shiv and a pistol. However, Meraktis was suddenly shot in the head, and Wocky fled the scene, dropping his shiv. He was later accused of the murder. It would turn out during Justice's investigation of the crime that Alita Tiala was not who she seemed to be. Being Wocky's nurse, she had known about the bullet, and she had engaged herself with Wocky with intent to inherit the Kitaki fortune when he died. Tiala had been the one to kill Merkatis because he was going to reveal her involvement in covering up Wocky's condition and had hired Justice in the hope that the rookie defense attorney would be unable to acquit the young man. 

Thanks to Justice, Wocky was declared not guilty and Tiala was arrested. Although he was now free, he showed no gratitude towards his defense, and was instead angry at Justice for putting "my Alita" in jail. Winfred assured Justice that Wocky simply had to face what had happened to him and that he would eventually understand someday. Winfred revealed that he had found a doctor who could save Wocky's life, but had wanted to pay for the operation with honest money since his illegal methods had almost cost him his son. 

Taken from URL=http://aceattorney.wikia.com/wiki/Wocky_Kitaki his Ace Attorney Wiki page.






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