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Valant GramaryeVirgil Grimoire


Valant Gramarye is a highly prolific magician who is a member of Troupe Gramarye, a famous group of magicians. Valant maintains a high air of arrogance and prides himself on the larger-than-life persona he plays on stage. He is a true showman in every sense of the word. He wears yellow because that is his lucky color. He has a tendency to make puns that revolve around the word "Alakazam" when he is shocked and/or surprised. He also tends to use a substantial amount of alliteration when he speaks. 

It is possible that his arrogance is actually a front for a low self-esteem, as at one point, he admitted to Phoenix Wright that he actually doesn't believe himself to be a very talented magician.

Valant Gramarye, along with Zak Gramarye, was an apprentice of the legendary magician Magnifi Gramarye. Together with Thalassa Gramarye, the group Troupe Gramarye was formed. Troupe Gramarye became a household name as their popularity rose to great heights.

However, beneath all the fame and hype, there was a dark side to the Troupe. Rumors of a love triangle between Zak, Valant, and Thalassa persisted. Thalassa left the group when she married another stage performer, but when he died in an accident on stage, she returned to the group. Ultimately, she married Zak, having a daughter, Trucy, with him.

Some time later, tragedy struck. During a rehearsal of a shooting trick in which Zak and Valant fired a series of bullets around Thalassa, she was hit by one of their bullets and was critically wounded. Magnifi managed to keep the accident a secret, but the relationship between the mentor and his pupils would never be the same, as he constantly hung Thalassa's "death" over their heads.

Two years later, Magnifi was nearing the end of his life, confined to a hospital room with cancer and diabetes. A year afterward, Valant received a letter from Magnifi. Valant saw the letter for what it was, a test, and he came up with a plot to kill Magnifi and frame Zak for the crime, in order to inherit the legal rights to his mentor's magic.

Valant arrived at Magnifi's hospital room at 11:20 p.m., as ordered. Magnifi was asleep in bed. However, Valant's nerve failed, and he couldn't bring himself to shoot his mentor, turning to leave instead. Magnifi, who was not really asleep, stopped him, telling him he'd already passed on his magic to Zak, and asking Valant to support him.

Valant left the room a broken man, knowing that his career was over. As he stood out in the hall in shock, he suddenly heard a gunshot from inside the room. He quickly raced back inside, and found Magnifi dead. Magnifi had taken the gun and shot himself in the forehead. Hurt and angry, Valant went with his original plan to frame Zak for the crime. He moved the gun out of reach of Magnifi, injected some additional IV fluid into Magnifi's IV bag (to throw off the time of death), and then called the police. Just as Valant intended, Zak was arrested for Magnifi's "murder," and Valant offered himself as a witness.  

Taken from URL=http://aceattorney.wikia.com/wiki/Valant_Gramarye his Ace Attorney Wiki page.






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