浦伏 影郎
浦伏 影郎

浦伏 影郎

Shadi SmithEnzo Gomez


A traveller that was murdered at the Borscht Bowl Club.

His real name is Shadi Enigmar, and he is better known as "Zak Gramarye", his stage name as a member Troupe Gramarye. Shadi is Thalassa Gramarye's second husband, and is Trucy Wright's biological father. Zak had a confidence befitting a famous magician, and he was very jovial. However, he had a violently competitive side that showed when he played poker. He took great pride in his win record, going to great lengths to "punish" Wright for his victory over him, and turning his anger on Olga Orly when things didn't go his way. He was also rather violent toward Spark Brushel, punching him on several occasions when he revealed secrets that Zak didn't want revealed.

Zak also used his poker games to read into his opponent's personalities. He used this to hire a trustworthy lawyer for his trial. However, Zak's ability to read his opponents was a practiced one, and it wasn't nearly as good as the natural "power" of his mentor and his wife. 

His mentor, Magnifi Gramarye, was eventually confined to the hospital with cancer and diabetes. A year later, Zak received a letter from his mentor. Per his mentor's orders, Zak came to the hospital at 11:05 PM. When he entered the room, Magnifi appeared to be asleep. The guns from "Zak and Valant's Quick-Draw Shoot'em" were on a table in front of the bed. Zak picked up one of the guns, and aimed it at Magnifi. However, he couldn't bring himself to shoot his mentor, so he turned and shot a clown doll in the corner square in the forehead.

After Zak took his shot, Magnifi "awoke," telling Zak he passed. He then wrote a will passing on the rights to his magic to Zak, and tore the page he wrote it on out of his diary. They then had one last conversation as mentor and student, then Zak left the room, taking the gun with him. However, less than half an hour later, Magnifi was found dead in his room with a gunshot wound in the forehead, and Zak was arrested for the crime. 

Needing a defense attorney, Zak invited Kristoph Gavin to his cell to play a game of poker to see if he could trust the man. He determined that Gavin was untrustworthy, so he fired him. Later, Zak invited Phoenix Wright over to detention to play cards with him. Wright won; Zak saw good in Wright and hired him immediately.

The next day, the trial took place. Meanwhile, Kristoph gave Zak's daughter Trucy a letter to give to Wright, who filed it into evidence. During the trial, Wright presented the evidence, believing that it was the page that had been ripped off of Magnifi's diary. However, the prosecution exposed the evidence as fake. The disappointed judge prepared to give a guilty verdict to Zak, telling him that he had the right to hire a new attorney to appeal his case. However, Zak told the court that it would be impossible to prove him guilty, because the court couldn't give a verdict to someone who didn't exist. He then suddenly disappeared.

The prosecution immediately dispatched the baliff to find Zak. To distract the baliff, Zak used a decoy: Trucy's giant Mr. Hat puppet. The baliff spotted the puppet and gave chase, only to encounter Trucy in defendant lobby No. 2, with no Zak in sight. Meanwhile, Zak escaped the courtroom and disappeared.

Seven years after Magnifi's death, Zak met Wright at the Borscht Bowl Club under the guise of a traveler named Shadi Smith. Zak had Wright and Spark Brushel sign and notarize a will turning over the rights to Magnifi's tricks to Zak's daughter Trucy, and then Zak wrote a note admitting to killing Magnifi (though he had not), as he regretted causing so much trouble for Valant. Wright questioned Zak about Troupe Gramarye and learned about the Gramarye "power". Zak then challenged Wright to a game of poker, a rematch for the game he had lost to Wright seven years earlier.

Zak's plan was to accuse Wright of cheating with the help of a professional dealer named Olga Orly, who would plant a card on Wright's person. The plan failed, and upon realizing this, Zak hit Olga's neck with a bottle of grape juice, knocking her unconscious. Afterwards, Wright went upstairs to phone the police, while Kristoph Gavin came in through a secret passageway in the Hydeout. Zak spun around in his chair to face Gavin, and was promptly hit with a grape juice bottle by his rejected defense attorney. Zak died from the head trauma.

Taken from URL=http://aceattorney.wikia.com/wiki/Shadi_Smith his Ace Attorney Wiki page.






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