天野川 丈一郎
天野川 丈一郎

天野川 丈一郎

Ernest Amano


Ernest Amano is the owner of the Amano Group and father of the kidnapped Lance Amano. Ernest is a laid-back man who cares deeply for his son. When confronted, he often attempts to pacify the other person. Ernest seems quite proud of his wealth, keeping a number of dollar bills tucked into his waistband. Ernest was also a good friend of Manfred von Karma, and would later fund the abroad studies of Miles Edgeworth, for which Edgeworth was very grateful. 

Ernest did seem at first to deeply care about Lance, as he attempted to save his son from being arrested by buying up the crime scene, then preventing it from investigated. However, once he himself was threatened, he attempted to shift the blame entirely to his son to save himself. 

The Amano Group was a company with vast international connections. This made Ernest Amano a very wealthy and powerful man. His work was far from completely legal, however, as he allowed his company's resources to be used by an international smuggling group based in Cohdopia and headed by Quercus Alba. The legal authorities were not unaware of the shadier side of his business, raiding company meetings on at least one occasion. Ernest's secretary, Colin Devorae, took the fall and allowed himself to be arrested, saving his boss from going to prison. 

When Manny Coachen was arrested for silencing a witness about to testify about the smuggling ring's activities, Alba called on Ernest to prevent the crime organization's second-in-command from being convicted. Using his connections, Ernest arranged for the crucial evidence for the case against Coachen to be stolen: a video tape showing Coachen in the apartment of the murdered woman, and a trump card used by Alba to issue orders.

When Colin Devorae stole a gun from a prison guard and escaped from jail, he came to his former boss for help. Ernest gave his former secretary a new identity, that of "Oliver Deacon", butler to the Amano family and tutor to Ernest's son Lance.

When Portsman was arrested for killing Buddy Faith, who had stumbled upon the prosecutor when he was ransacking Edgeworth's office for KG-8 evidence. Although Portsman tried to conceal the tape on his person, Edgeworth confiscated it, and it fell into the hands of a veteran detective who knew it for what it was from his work on the case ten years earlier. The video tape went on to be used by Edgeworth to defeat Quercus Alba. Without Alba to protect him, Ernest Amano was convicted for his crimes./

Taken from URL=http://aceattorney.wikia.com/wiki/Ernest_AmanoThe Ace Attorney Wiki.






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