Mierol Deya
Mierol Deya

Mierol Deya



Mierol was born on Ludebba, also known as the Planet of Quiet. Thick black clouds reign over the entire atmosphere of Ludebba, casting a dark web of shadows on the landscape underneath. Once a year on different times across the planet, the clouds part to flood the land beneath with sunlight. The plants that grow in Ludebba soak up the solar energy and store enough of it to sustain them for the rest of the year. This is known as a Sun Bath. When darkness returns, the plants and flowers glow enough to cast some light on the landscape. Because the plants of Ludebba are so good at storing solar energy, they are extremely valuable to outsiders.

When Mierol was eight years old, her home city was raided by a group of space pirates known as the Pilfyres. They came to collect the precious plants of Ludebba shortly after a Sun Bath, mercilessly killing anyone who stood in their way. One of the Pilfyres took pity on Mierol, who was just a small little girl who tried desperately to protect one of the flowers on a hillside. He carried Mierol away with the Pilfyres, taught her their ways, and eventually Mierol became a Pilfyre herself.

Mierol remained a Pilfyre into *****hood, when one of her raids brought her in contact with a group of FOEs led by Amalek Nikat. Mierol respected Amalek, even though they began as enemies. After several more encounters, she decided to join Amalek and his group of freedom fighters.

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Quantum Conscience

Quantum Conscience



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