篠崎 ヨシヱ
篠崎 ヨシヱ

篠崎 ヨシヱ



Age: 27 (at death.)

Yoshie is the mother of Sachiko. Whilst she was alive, Yoshie was a kind, caring school nurse who she loved to be around children, especially her own child who she called her own "pride and joy" and seemed to be on good terms with the school's principal before her death.

After her death by the hands of the Principal she had a desire for revenge and placed a curse on the Yanagihori family, she also gradually became jealous of the nurse that replaced her, as well as the living in general. After several years, she became lonely and whilst under the influence of the darkening, wished for company. Her daughter Sachiko fulfilled her wishes and killed numerous children, sending their spirits to Heavenly Host to keep her company. However, she wishes to see her daughter once again.

In Blood Drive, it's shown that Yoshie had a lot to do with black magic from investigating the origins of the Sachiko Ever After to trying to resurrect her husband after the Shinozaki bloodline's curse did its work on him./


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