公众号: 月幕Galgame

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A bespectacled officer. She was recommended by Shoken for her talent and help with the rebellion against Enjutsu. Sonsaku plans to train her to be Sonken's right-hand man. Her eyesight is pretty lackluster, to the point that she tends to see double of everything. The cause seems to be because she studies at night frequently. In one of the late studies, Kazuto brings her a snack called Goma Dango. She liked it so much that she became a frequent purchaser and in Moeshouden she went up to the stage and recommend that everyone try it as well. She is mentioned by name only in Koihime where Kan'u shows slight irritation for just seeing her on the battlefield (an obvious nod to Lu Meng's Invasion of Jing Providence which led to Guan Yu's historical death). From url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Koihime_Mus%C5%8D_characters#Ryom.C5.8D
可在微信上搜索站点内容, 每日上午 10:00 整不定期推送最新的Galgame资讯和专栏。(只要前一日有文章),更有抽奖活动安排!