神沢 喬志
神沢 喬志

神沢 喬志



Zodiac sign: Cancer

Takashi is the oldest among the members of "Birdie," even if he doesn't look like it. He is very eccentric and capricious with his actions, always acting on a whim. Sometimes he'll show up at work hours early, and other times be absurdly late. He's never predictable.

He has a face that he can easily imitate expressions and still look natural and non-conspicuous, making it perfect for photography work, but when he isn't in front of a camera, usually he takes on an expression of being indifferent about everything. He dislikes being concerned with others, and dislikes for any concern to show even more. He often slants his head downward when talking with others to try to give off an attitude of disinterest.

He suffers from insomnia, waking often during the night, and often he seems in a daze, his thoughts elsewhere. His words are often drawn out almost in a sing-song manner, occassionally feminine ways of speaking mixed into his words, and his tone portrays the boredom in his expressions. Takashi's trademark is the choker he always wears tight around his neck, but like his face and voice, this too seems to be hiding something buried within him.

Boys' Love Game Headquarters


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