弓館 ドリス
弓館 ドリス

弓館 ドリス



3/4 Japanese and 1/4 German (from her grandmother), Doris is subject to prejudice from a young age. Her prickly nature and unconscious tendency to tease and then reject male suitors isolates her from classmates and subjects her to unwanted bullying from male students. 

 Unlike the other ******es, Doris was born with supernatural powers which were not acknowledged by her parents and further increased the sense of isolation she experienced with her family. Her witch powers allow her to physically escape the material world into a mentally constructed world reflecting her current surroundings which is almost completely uninhabited, devoid of sound and characterised by a unique colour palette. Doris can escape into her "Kingdom of Mirrors" (鏡の国) at will which she did frequently from a young age allowing her a considerable measure of control within her mental space. Because the energy which fuels her mental world is derived from her desire to escape from unpleasant situations and unwanted human contact, the size of her mental world expands and shrinks depending on the degree of human companionship she enjoys. /

Doris has an extremely developed bust incommensurate with her small physique which she dislikes. Consequently she avoids changing clothes in the presence of others where possible.



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