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Hobbies: Arm wrestling (he has never lost in it) Likes: Struggle Dislikes: Sporks Azrael is a fist-fighting pure bred soldier with superhuman strength who is a 'member' of Sector Seven. He spends most of his time moving from one battlefield to the next in search of a strong opponent. He is entirely obsessed with using his own raw power to fight, and has never used a weapon. However, due to his superhuman strength, he cannot go all out in battle; thus, he has imposed a limiter on himself called Enchant Dragunov. During the Ikaruga War, he gained the nickname "Mad Dog" due to his uncontrollable bloodlust and attacking both friend and foe. Because of this, Kokonoe created a cell called The Dog House which would put Azrael into a cryostasis, unable to escape. Despite the casualties caused by him in the process, Kokonoe successfully managed to seal Azrael into it. Since that day, Azrael swore to one day hunt Kokonoe down and exact his revenge. Azrael obsesses over fighting and seeks out powerful opponents to sate his bloodlust. He is confident enough in his own power to challenge even the Six Heroes and deliberately holds back in battle to make his "fun" last longer. Azrael constantly makes references to the phrase "survival of the fittest", likening himself to a predator in search of its prey and refers to battles as a "hunting ground" for him to "consume" his challengers. His lust for battle is so great, that he will resort to any means necessary in order to force an opponent to fight at their full strength. This is shown when he attempted to attack Celica in order to force Ragna to activate his Azure Grimoire, theorizing that he would do so out of rage. However, as shown in Teach Me More, Ms. Litchi, Azrael doesn't hold well towards people picking on those weaker than themselves, being extremely against any form of bullying. In Central Fiction, Azrael's limiter has been removed by Izanami herself, who also made a contract with him, allowing him to have more fun than ever. His biggest dream is to fight gods and he is shown to be so strong that even Terumi runs away from him./
可在微信上搜索站点内容, 每日上午 10:00 整不定期推送最新的Galgame资讯和专栏。(只要前一日有文章),更有抽奖活动安排!