ヒビキ コハク
ヒビキ コハク

ヒビキ コハク



Hobbies: Pottery
Likes: Eastern sweets (Japanese sweets)
Dislikes: Sloppy people

Kohaku is a servant of the Mutsuki Family and captain of the Novus Orbis Librarium, and a playable character in Central Fiction. As the servant of one of the Duodecim families, he is well acquainted with their members, such as Jin Kisaragi. 
The Kohaku family is one of the Mutsuki branch families. They are trained for silent assassinations and so are rarely mentioned in historical books. As a member of this family, Hibiki was also trained in the assassination and stealth arts.

Hibiki is described as "a pretty boy with a poison tongue". His attitude towards the normally laid-back Kagura is often critical, being quick to belittle or insult him. However, in reality, this covers up his actual admiration for the Black Knight. He also has a strict personality, such as making Kagura pay for the damages he caused in the Headquarters when he fought against Arakune, and making Kagura pay the electricity bill through his personal bank account for when Kokonoe used 80% of the headquarter's electric power output to repair Iron Tager. He is also known to be an excellent cook, where even Rachel had highly praised his cooking.

One of his mottoes is: "A man with confidence shall not lose; only doubt will bring defeat".


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