鬼崎 刀真
鬼崎 刀真

鬼崎 刀真



2nd year high school student.
Touma Onizaki  is a descendant of the oni. Touma is an only child and his parents died when he was a young age, as a result he was raised by relatives. It was rumored he was expelled from his previous High School and transferred to Seinaru. Touma has a crush on Saya however denies it. It is later revealed that Touma accidentally killed his parents as a result of his powers and he blames himself ever since they he carries around a locket with a family picture in it./

Touma acts like a lone wolf and has a reputation of being a bad boy which often causes him to get scolded by either Saya or Shinogu however he always says mean things to Saya and ends up hurting her feelings when he doesn't mean to. He has a crush on Saya however he often denies it and can go red with her around him. He has a hard time controlling his oni powers and often loses control. 
From url=https://hiironokakerashintamayorihimedenshou.fandom.com/wiki/Onizaki_ToumaWikia.


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