



Nina Einstein is introduced as a bookish member of the student council at Ashford Academy and Milly's childhood friend. For unspecified reasons, Nina demonstrates an acute xenophobic reaction to Elevens and is immediately intimidated by Suzaku when he arrives in the school. Because of this, she develops a deep lesbian obsession with Third Princess Euphemia after she helps her during a traumatizing hostage incident at the Lake Kawaguchi Convention Center Hotel, and not only calls her a "goddess" and thinks she can rely on her for emotional support, but even goes as far as to masturbate over her picture, all while unaware of Euphemia's pro-Japanese intentions. Lloyd Asplund is interested in Nina's personal research regarding the possibility of using Uranium-235 as a fuel. Following Euphemia's death, Nina becomes emotionally and mentally unstable. In a misguided attempt to avenge Euphemia, she arms the Ashford's Ganymede Knightmare Frame with a prototype nuclear bomb and intends to detonate it to kill Zero, but it fails to explode and she is arrested.

In the second season, Nina becomes an antagonist and is recruited by Second Prince Schneizel as chief of his "In Vogue" research team headquartered in Dallas, Texas. Under him, she eventually creates a working bomb, F.L.E.I.J.A. (Field Limitary Effective Implosion Armament, pronounced "flaya"), that vaporizes everything within a specific radius. When Schneizel sets it up so that Suzaku detonates over Tokyo, Nina is shocked and devastated by the destruction caused by her own weapon, which causes more than 35 million casualties when Suzaku's Geass causes him to fire it on Tokyo Settlement. Nina is forced to go into hiding shortly thereafter within Ashford Academy, as she is considered a criminal for her connection with the development of F.L.E.I.J.A. Lelouch enlists her aid in creating a countermeasure to F.L.E.I.J.A., learning that Schneizel made it even more deadly. She is later seen as a prisoner of Emperor Lelouch, along with the rest of the Black Knights and several Lelouch supporters, though she's not slated for execution, and after Lelouch's death is able to overcome her xenophobia and mania. /

From url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Code_Geass_characters#Ashford_Academy.


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