二階堂 梨枝
二階堂 梨枝

二階堂 梨枝



Second-grade student at St. Ruri and President of the karate club. She's Maika's childhood friend as well as her best friend and one of the few people who know Maika's secret.
Since their grandparents were friends, the two of them used to play together when they were little.
Since she was little she has always been very active so she cannot stay still for long. Despite being the complete opposite of Maika, for some strange reason they got along very well since they met.
At first she began to learn Karate in order to protect Maika, but became addicted to it until she got the black belt. 
Despite being cheerful and giving the impression of being a person of strong character, she cries easily when listening to sad stories. Also, people tend to rely on her because they see her as someone gentle and kind.
She likes cute and beautiful things like accessories and stuffed animals, however she believes that this does not go with her so she keeps it a secret.


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