公众号: 月幕Galgame

可在微信上搜索站点内容, 每日上午 10:00 整不定期推送最新的Galgame资讯和专栏。(只要前一日有文章),更有抽奖活动安排!
インフルース王国の遺跡内部にて眠っていた記憶のない自称“縁結びの神”。 アヴァロの手によって眠りから覚めた事もあってか深い愛情で接し気を引こうとする。 前向きさと感情表現の豊かさもあって、いつも明るく元気であるが、同時に素直過ぎる故に他者を直ぐに信じてしまうという純粋な性格である。 自身が眠っていた遺跡“グアラクーナ城砦”を工房にする条件の元、アヴァロとの使徒契約を結び、フィユシア教の聖地である“神響の霞廊”を目指す。 The self-proclaimed "Goddess of relationships" who is awoken from her long inactivity inside the Guaracouna fortress by Avaro. She makes Avaro her apostle and seeks his help in reaching 神響の霞廊 together with the fortress which she sees as part of her body. Fia has amnesia and is unable to remember why she wants to reach her intended destination. The Guaracouna fortress is a mobile castle which looks like an enormous turtle and is capable of movement when Fia derives enough power from helping civilians and restoring stricken lands to vitality. To this end she forms the Guaracouna trading company together with Avaro as the best way of gathering enough power to move the fortress. Easy-going and friendly with a happy-go-lucky disposition, Fia believes in talking through disagreements and avoiding military conflict unless absolutely forced to. She relies heavily on Avaro to get the party out of dire straits through his ingenious inventions, yet is also capable of helping out in the trading company's daily activities and is sometimes asked to help Avaro with his inventions by invoking assistance from elemental spirits. Depending on player actions, Fia either succeeds in reaching her destination and saving her father Paraia from confinement or is killed by Avaro at her bequest to save innocent people from the destruction she was poised to bring. After the events in her own game, she travels to Grasesta after the dolls of legend created by Avaro to promote his atelier slip from her control. With help from Judar and his party, all eight of the dolls are subdued and Fia stays behind with the dolls to help Judar with his quest in gratitude for his assistance. /
可在微信上搜索站点内容, 每日上午 10:00 整不定期推送最新的Galgame资讯和专栏。(只要前一日有文章),更有抽奖活动安排!