神代 直
神代 直

神代 直

直にいちゃん (Yuuri), 対象 β


The former sprint star of the school athletics club, he drops out after tearing his knee ligament and told he'll never achieve the same results after rehabilitation. He takes out his frustrations by exploiting his physical attributes as a brawler for hire but is constantly harassed by his ex-manager Koga Sachi. Eventually he falls in love with her but his confession is rejected the same day the Koushin Disaster strikes...

His Baroque powers allow him to absorb anything he comes into contact with to heal his wounds and to reform as armour which protects him from almost all conventional weaponry. His preferred protection is the organic armour he attained after absorbing the cells of the "enemy" he encountered in the ruins of his town. After training with his fellow escapees, Nao also learns how to hide himself by assimilating his cellular structure with the surrounding environment allowing him to attack foes from their blind spots. He can also transform his legs which allows him to fuse with skyscraper walls and climb them without difficulty.

His primary Baroque bonds are with his fellow survivors with the exception of Nara who didn't manifest the same abilities as the other survivors. 

 Depending on the route, he is responsible for killing two out of the three selectable ******es. 

He is also indirectly responsible for the Koushin disaster as he was spotted by Nara long before the disaster and admired as the very definition of happiness when together with Sachi. 

His memory of being turned down by Koga Sachi is a fake one to protect him from the truth. A year after the horrific accident which maimed her he chose to turn off her life support, this was the same day the Gestalt sent down the energy field which would characterise the Koushin Disaster. Although he was killed outright by the impact, Nara resurrected him and realised he could not function normally without Sachi by his side. Hence he is the only one of the survivors who possesses two Baroque powers, his second power being his ability to project a copy of Sachi prior to her accident. /




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