



The third highest ranking general of the Delphion Union's expeditionary force, the Blue Hawk Knights. She is the commanding general at the 13th battle of Ustone valley and takes custody of Eutre, Judar and the rest of the surviving Belgarard forces when the fort is surrendered. Upon hearing Judar is responsible for the death of her second-in-command, she takes an interest in him and makes several attempts to recruit him as her new second-in-command after he is sold to slavery. Because Judar despises the constraints imposed by membership of a knightly order and has never forgotten Dulphia's role in bringing him to Grasesta in the first place, she is rebuffed each time.

 Originally a noble from the Delphion Union, she rebelled against the stereotypical lifestyle demanded of her and joined the Blue Hawk Knights initially as a clerical officer. She enjoys the battlefield as it excites her with the equality of opportunity and death that it brings. Her lust for the battlefield gives her something in common with the lifelong mercenary Judar, something he eventually acknowledges. 

Dulphia is good friends with Lilica long before the start of the tale and she is the trigger which leads Lilica to test Judar's ability to survive the harshest environs after hearing of his exploits in the Ustone valley.

After the loss of the two highest ranking Knightly order generals and many of the Order's member over the course of the story, Dulphia is eventually promoted to head of the Order and presides as the head of the King's guard of honour at his coronation ceremony. /




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