X Change 3
クラウド 发行于 2004-06-25 无中文版

X Change 3

DVD PlayerWindows




You are Takuya Aihara, the hero/******e of the story. You've been blessed with a very interesting life: several years ago you were changed a girl through bizarre chemistry accidents, not once but twice. Now as you approach your final year of university with faithful girlfriend Asuka at your side, you almost get nostalgic thinking about those crazy days you spent as a girl.

Until it happens again, that is: that troublesome Kouji, still madly in love with your female persona, secretly gets Asami-senpai to whip up some of the sex-change potion and tricks you into drinking it! It'll be harder than ever for you to change back into your male self this time, but you've got no choice: you have to find a way to return to normal before your female body becomes permanent. Although Asuka is one of the most understanding women in the world, there's no way she'll stay with you as a girl -- that's just not her thing.

As you start another round of bizarre sexual adventures in your female body, virtually all the characters from the past X-Change games are back: your twisted sister Natsumi, who loves to tease you; the ingenius Asami-senpai; the endlessly experimenting Chisato; and a host of others from the first two games. With an even richer and more complex game story than last time, you'll have loads of fun exploring college life in your new female body, with many rewarding story lines to discover. Where will it all end?

Peach Princess

相关内容 (‘可能’相关的内容,基于大数据匹配,不一定准)

系统退化了,作品变水了。咲原 凛 CV:紺堂まゆり1次HS内一次高潮漏尿。香ノ木 リサ CV:乃辉爱ちい1次HS前到内女主在泳池尿意难忍,然后男主背去厕所途中就尿裤子了,到了厕所继续放尿,后面还有羞耻忍耐描写齐全的味打屁股的失禁。1次HS内高潮漏尿。后面还有画成橙色的不知名液体,那个不管了。葵野 羽琉 CV:春菜めばえ 1次HS内高潮漏尿。秋枝
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和声递影 2021-11-26 盘点
千夏 CV:清水香1次HS一次男主给女主口的高潮漏尿。一次啪啪啪完后女主尿意上涌,男主想让她失禁,女主度其羞耻度而求其次主动去厕所放尿。*(伪娘)秋巳 CV:松井みどり1次HS内裙子下隔着内裤高潮漏尿后射精,构图还挺涩的。美冬 CV:富永理慧1次HS及其后这个也非常经典,也是发烧了睡着,男主半夜也发现了动静,闯进女主室内一通遮遮掩掩还是发现她尿床
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和声递影 2021-10-19 盘点


平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2004-06-25 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
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平台: DVD Player R18+
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平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 待定 发行语言: English
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 待定 发行语言: English
X Change 3
なかせ ひな (ED 'Yoake no Iro')