すみっこソフト 发行于 2008-06-27 无中文版


2daime wa Mahou Shoujo




The magical world, Ninkyonasa.
That existence of this peaceful world relied upon the kind heart of the people in the real world. But in the present time where people only thinks of themselves and losing their thoughtfulness: Otokogi, this magical world was in danger of vanishing… In order to save that world, a magical girl was sent to the real world.
She gathered the little Otokogi that was left in society and saved Ninkyonasa from destruction.

A couple of decades has passed since then.
Ninkyosa was in the verge of destruction again.
Not only was Otokogi scarce, the Demon World Mafia was after their world.
The Demon World Mafias were raising the price of land in different worlds one after another and make them their own. Hearing that Ninkyonasa was in danger, they have come down like hyenas. However, the magical girl in the past has already passed away, and her only child in the real world was a boy. At the time of the biggest crisis of Ninkyonasa, an appearance of a girl full of Otokogi was strongly wished for.

…Meanwhile in the real world.
Without knowing about a crisis in such alternate magical world, Buntarou Sugawara was living his laid back life. Although he had no parents, he was living a super positive life with his natural passion for girls. But one day his apartment burned down as a result of a fire. The daughter of his landlord, Hana Kiryuuin asks him nicely if he wants to stay at their house. He couldn’t refuse an offer from a cute girl, and he follows her to her house, just to find himself inside a home of Yakuzas!

Although he was surprised at first, he finds out that this Kiryuu clan was fatherless, and he quickly decides to stay. However, the former head just passed away and the Kiryuu clan was in the middle of a war against another clan. In order to protect his dream life with a cute girl, Buntarou stood up even though he was weak.

…Even then, Buntarou lacked experience in a fight and gets beat up by mugs. As Hana ran up to him for help, Buntarou’s momento strap from his mother started glowing and Hana turned into a magical girl!!

Akihabara Channel

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七森 胡桃 CV:雪村とあ1次HS内前戏的时候女主产生了尿意,经过一些忍耐羞耻挣扎后,决定顺从男主站着放尿。星崎 芽唯 CV:上原あおい其实在看这只的时候我逐渐确信了这会社的某种换位思考倾向,从上一作的白毛开始,到这只,再往后还有几作,总会考虑到给予 “漏尿女主”某种羞耻心的安慰补偿(提出男主要不要也尿一次),基于这点,我也临时追加了另一个会社有类似
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*苍老师加屏蔽词了,如有***影响理解的可在下方评论。 Ver1.01,揣评部分不同感觉用异色表示。 Ver1.02,星号内容按一定的逻辑用异色表示。 Ver1.06,目录中的评分按整数级(54321)用异色表示。 Ver1.10,增加了CV和立绘和文字盘点同场来给人基本印象。 Ver1.11,其实我希望有人能在玩过的条目下评论
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应邀特来发帖,希望能有更多人喜欢上银发 注意,本帖内的全部内容都禁止转载搬运和挪用 【银发教会】成立至今的目标只有一个——收集最完美,最标准的银发! 必读:1.这里的银发是指符合【教会标准】的银发,一般被分为B~S,3个等级,并不属于普通大众意义上的银
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相对来说剩下其他人的作品在描写水平、画面配合度、BGM、声优表现上就差强人意了,不过很多场景还是挺有意思的。本作也是简单粗暴的性转一路到底,个人觉得虽然画风很萌,描写过程过于繁复冗杂,反更显得做作和不真实,男性化了。(某屋汉化就不细说了)*トワ CV:赤月 ゆむ(TS男主)*1次HS前到内在公园有尿意的时候被基友提议去厕所看放尿,算是有一点羞耻描写吧。*
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平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2008-05-09 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2008-05-21 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2008-06-06 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2008-06-27 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2010-02-12 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Android R17+
发行时间: 2012-01-20 发行语言: Japanese
真理絵 (ED 'Yuuki no Kakera')
Riryka (OP 'Sakura, Hitohira')
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