The protagonist, Kurusu Akito is a second year high school student at Mikage Gakuen and the baseball club's ace. His childhood friend and classmate, Kanzaki Aoi is a campus idol and is this year's Miss Mikage Gakuen. They're close together since birth and thought that these days would last forever. One day, an unknown organization picked Aoi as their next item for their "auction". The organization then organized a contest to see who gets to successfully train her to become a sex slave and picked 7 people in close proximity to Aoi as the contestants. Akito is one of them. The time limit is one month. Not wanting his childhood friend to become a sex slave, Akito decided to protect Aoi against the other 6 instead. Unfortunately they're being observed and he doesn't know who the other 6 are so he couldn't move unskillfully and decided to protect her behind her back. Can Akito successfully protect her?
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