The story is set at the 19th century at the United Kingdom, in a rural town called Wingfield. An apprentice butler, Christopher Luckenbooth, had been sent from London by the Principle of the School of Butlers here. His duty, is to serve the local feudal lord, Lady Vivian N.M.N Wingfield. As he steps forth into the world where spirits and fairies reside, many others who served the lady of the mansion awaits. A stern looking butler to act as his guide. A wolf who could speak the language of a human. A maid chief whose appearance was of a child's. An overbearing old butler who never does his job. And a cook who looked like he was from the East. As the Lady's 19th birthday approaches, so is the festival that the town prepared specially for her, and so is the day that all the mystery that is surrounding her comes to light..
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