Rouge 发行于 2002-11-22 无中文版

DVD PlayerWindows




Our hero lost his parents in an accident when he was small. He's a very depressed and poor college student, and worse, he's still a virgin.
By fluke, he gets a managing position at the dorm of a famous all-girls school. He's pretty excited to be around so many pretty girls! But of course, he chickens out and can't do anything. 
One day, he finds an old well near the dorm. He encounters an evil spirit who wants to unite with him. He concedes and the evil spirit is revived. With this evil power, our hero begins hunting for sacrifices. Naturally enough, his prey will be the pretty dorm girls!!! 

In this AVG, you'll hunt down girls in the dorm. Here are a few of the cute ******es who will be sacrifices for the evil spirit's revival ceremony:

Hitomi Sakuragaoka: A quiet and smart girl who looks nice with her ponytail. She's very popular.
Cindy and Hana are her good friends.
Hatsuki Cindy Kurihara: She's part American. She belongs to the lacrosse team. She's popular, but
she's also a troublemaker.
Hana Ito: A hard worker even in an unhappy environment; her mom is sick and her dad is missing.
She's a devoted girl who takes good care of her brother and sister.
Hinako Katsura: She's from a rich family. She's slow, but she's good at sports. She's the ace on the
lacrosse team.
Yukari Hinomiya: An attractive and mature lady with a wonderful body. She's the teacher who gives
our hero the manager position at the dorm.

You'll find many more attractive girls! Give yourself to the evil spirit and hunt down these pretty girls!


相关内容 (‘可能’相关的内容,基于大数据匹配,不一定准)

本作以秽物癖为主,男主以体验女主各种体液(屎尿屁等等)的气味(臭气)为乐,剧情确实不咋地,但是恶心程度比臭作等高。*桜ケ丘 瞳美 CV:毬川環3次HS内女主和男主聊天蹲下的时候短暂得漏出了内裤,男主极具观察力地发现了白色布料中心透出的少许尿迹(CG未画),并因此穿着裤子就发射了。*一次空气灌肠后放屁。女主被男主后入肛门后又被强迫口交,在吐出男主射的精液时
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应邀特来发帖,希望能有更多人喜欢上银发注意,本帖内的全部内容都禁止转载搬运和挪用 【银发教会】成立至今的目标只有一个——收集最完美,最标准的银发! 必读:1.这里的银发是指符合【教会标准】的银发,一般被分为B~S,3个等级,并不属于普通大众意义上的银发,很可能你所认识的不少“银发角色”这里都不会入选。精选而非网罗是教会宗旨2.白毛≠银发,灰发≠银发,教会有自
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*苍老师加屏蔽词了,如有***影响理解的可在下方评论。 Ver1.01,揣评部分不同感觉用异色表示。 Ver1.02,星号内容按一定的逻辑用异色表示。 Ver1.06,目录中的评分按整数级(54321)用异色表示。 Ver1.10,增加了CV和立绘和文字盘点同场来给人基本印象。 Ver1.11,其实我希望有人能在玩过的条目下评论
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平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2002-11-22 发行语言: Japanese
平台: DVD Player R18+
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平台: Windows R18+
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