裏教師 ~背徳の淫悦授業~
Bishop 发行于 2011-08-05 无中文版

裏教師 ~背徳の淫悦授業~

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Hiding behind a mask of a charming, handsome and talented school teacher, the protagonist is a pervert who calls out female students and teachers for secret lessons aimed at making them his sexual slaves.

But even when he has corrupted numerous women, his perfectionist outlook has led him to regard them as failures as he continues his search for his ideal slave. When he can't find a suitable prey, he sets out for new hunting grounds by transferring to a new school.

This time he has transferred to Seiyou Academy, an elite institution gathering the best students nationwide. It is here that he may find his ideal slave, and looks forward to his dark ambition with expectations.

With this thought in mind, he assumes his office and meets four girls who became the candidates in becoming his female slaves:
The most talented pianist with great opportunities ahead of her, a secluded and innocent young lady, Shion Saotome;
A lively beauty with dreams of becoming a dancer, who has also innocently came to adore the protaginist, Asami Natsukawa;
The beautiful men-despising president of the Japanese archery club, who has a sensuous body rather unlike that of a student, Tsubaki Ikegami;
The arrogant daughter of a high class family who has enrolled into the academy through her parents' influences, Saori Kurosawa.

As the stage of the 'training' of these four students unfold, the school hired prideful and elite female supervisor, Takako Makino, also became dragged into the fray.

And thus under the guise of a good teacher, the protagonist's quest for the ideal slave continues as his wicked craft sets into play.

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*苍老师加屏蔽词了,如有***影响理解的可在下方评论。 Ver1.01,揣评部分不同感觉用异色表示。 Ver1.02,星号内容按一定的逻辑用异色表示。 Ver1.06,目录中的评分按整数级(54321)用异色表示。 Ver1.10,增加了CV和立绘和文字盘点同场来给人基本印象。 Ver1.11,其实我希望有人能在玩过的条目下评论
和声递影 2021-10-11 盘点
感觉铃铛的CV大妈系的多啊,但其实沙拉部分配的比黑C里面的卖力(绿油油的粪便好怪。*白鳥 深琴 CV:涼森 ちさと1次HS内一次痛苦引起的失禁。*一次稍有忍耐描写的灌肠排便。白鳥 武 CV:天天1次HS内一次稍有忍耐描写的高潮漏尿。*四法院 夕 CV:安堂 りゅう1次HS内*灌肠排便一回。一次稍有忍耐描写的高潮漏尿。*八鬼 弥生 CV:野々村
和声递影 2021-10-24 盘点
应邀特来发帖,希望能有更多人喜欢上银发注意,本帖内的全部内容都禁止转载搬运和挪用 【银发教会】成立至今的目标只有一个——收集最完美,最标准的银发! 必读:1.这里的银发是指符合【教会标准】的银发,一般被分为B~S,3个等级,并不属于普通大众意义上的银发,很可能你所认识的不少“银发角色”这里都不会入选。精选而非网罗是教会宗旨2.白毛≠银发,灰发≠银发,教会有自
银发教主 2022-03-03 盘点
关于 BISHOP 调教作是否属于纯爱,一直都有争论。我也曾是一名原教旨纯爱战士,一开始只想玩父女 play 作品(虽然女儿控这种背德xp是否属于纯爱也有争论),直到我玩了《特別授業3SLG》。一开始,我对调教场景是拒绝的,像对待其它类型作品一样,只看一般场景,碰见 HSCENE 就跳过的那种。但渐渐地,我开始发现 BISHOP 社作品的调教场景才是其灵魂。
Ephylm411 2023-02-06 杂谈


平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2011-07-22 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2011-08-05 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2011-10-21 发行语言: Japanese
平台: DVD Player R18+
发行时间: 2012-09-27 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Blu-ray Player R18+
发行时间: 2012-09-27 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2017-07-28 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2017-08-04 发行语言: Japanese
裏教師 ~背徳の淫悦授業~
小沢 裕樹 (Takako's route)
でぇすて (Tsubaki and Shion's routes second half, parts of Asami and Takako's routes)
玄野 トモアキ (Assistant artist)
かなみ (Chief CG)
青目 (Planning, script, production, sound effects)
水島☆多也 (Shion and Asami)
カガミ (Tsubaki, Saori and Takako)