しろがねの鳥籠 The Angels with Strange Wings
クロムウェル 发行于 2005-10-13 无中文版

しろがねの鳥籠 The Angels with Strange Wings

Silver Birdcage
PlayStation 2Nintendo DS




Shirogane no Torikage takes place in the city of Roddo Town. Two hundred years ago, a great war lead to the near destruction of mankind. The few people that did remain following the war started off with a clean slate, built new towns and connected the towns via steam-powered train. Soon, airplanes were invented and mankind took to the skies.

Mysterious children started to be born in this new world, children with strange powers. So strange and feared were these powers that *****s sent all the special children to Roddo Town, which is itself separated from the other towns of the world and is surrounded by a great steel wall.

The game's main character is Woll, one such special child. Woll and the other kids of Roddo Town have the ability to read the memories of objects and know their pasts. One day, Woll uses his powers to fix the train station manager's television, and he's summoned to the Roddo Town mayor's place. He expects that he will be punished for having used his powers.

Instead, the mayor asks him to fix a plane from 200 years ago and make it so that it can fly again. A great floating fortress called Sky Ray was built 200 years ago and is believed to contain the secrets into long lost pre-war technology. Woll, along with Andy, Bibi, Katie, Mini and the other boys and girls of the town start off on an adventure that will change not just their own lives, but the lives of people throughout the world.


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kasugano 2024-03-02 杂谈
*苍老师加屏蔽词了,如有***影响理解的可在下方评论。 Ver1.01,揣评部分不同感觉用异色表示。 Ver1.02,星号内容按一定的逻辑用异色表示。 Ver1.06,目录中的评分按整数级(54321)用异色表示。 Ver1.10,增加了CV和立绘和文字盘点同场来给人基本印象。 Ver1.11,其实我希望有人能在玩过的条目下评论
和声递影 2021-10-11 盘点
[ねこねこソフト]作品比较多,但是比较杂,所以其实我也没有完全把全作品整理过,主要以我参考的日本收集网站里给的那几个为主,如果还有大佬补充的话我再后续加上。本社漏尿情节的风格上以年幼系可爱系需要照顾的那种类型为主,还略带点搞笑成分,所以总的来说漏尿次数多但基本上羞耻感不高。初駒ルリ CV:綾瀬あかり1次非HS一次尿床,Q版CG。1次HS内一次高潮漏尿。
和声递影 2021-10-21 盘点
初芝 すみれ/モエ1次非HS女主在虚拟形象中玩的一次虚拟放尿PLAY。さくら1次非HS幼儿系的妹妹角色,女主睡迷糊了撒娇让男主抱去厕所,无CG。佐々木 雛姫/ピンク2次非内女主虚拟形象的虚拟高潮漏尿。一次真实世界里浴室啪啪啪的有羞耻描写的高潮漏尿,虽然好像在男主吐槽了以后女主本人表示不是憋着尿的,但确实尿量着实有点大,尿尿的持续时间很长。 推荐度:4[目录]
和声递影 2021-10-21 盘点


平台: PlayStation 2 全年龄
发行时间: 2005-10-13 发行语言: Japanese
平台: PlayStation 2 全年龄
发行时间: 2005-10-13 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Nintendo DS 全年龄
发行时间: 2012-12-12 发行语言: Japanese
しろがねの鳥籠 The Angels with Strange Wings
前田 愛 (OP 'Shirogane no Torikago')