Black Lilith 发行于 2011-12-23 无中文版


Fallen WifeFallen Married WomanThe falling someone else's wife


Three years ago Haruki’s parents were killed in a car accident leaving Haruki with no one but himself. Luckly, Haruki was soon adopted into the Nagisa family, but Haruki has a dark past that none of them knows. As it turns out Haruki’s father was a highly skilled trainer within a prostitution ring called Under Eden. Before he died Haruki’s father introduced the young boy to the local establishment in the city called Paradise. With the intention to follow in his father footsteps, Haruki befriends the master of the establishment and also gets access to various drugs and other equipment to use as he see fit.

As Haruki begins to live with the Nagisa family he sets his eyes on the beautiful wife Sayoko who is now his stepmother. Sayoko owns a small tea shop located at the bottom floor of their three story house. Her husband works at a company and is often out of the house or on business trips. Sayoko also has a son named Takashi who goes in the same class as Haruki, the two of them are friends, but Takashi doesn’t know about Haruki’s perverted interests. As time goes Haruki sets up a long term plan were he spikes Sayoko’s tea daily with aphrodisiac drugs over the course of three years. Meanwhile he is also drugging Sayoko’s husband to become less interested in sex due to impotence.

Sayoko is not the only woman Haruki has set his eyes on. At his school works the strict but very attractive teacher Reiko Fuyuno who is also a close personal friend of Sayoko. Reiko is however more difficult to pursue, since she hasn´t been drugged like Sayoko. One day Haruki feigns illness to stay at home. Using his manipulating skills he turns Sayoko’s motherly feelings of him into desire. With a devilish young innocence, an unnatural large penis, drugs and other utensils and with the assistance of Under Eden, Haruki is starting out his career as the youngest sexual degeneration trainer in Under Eden history. But he must be careful; Reiko’s younger sister Ryoko who works for the police is investigating the Under Eden ring and could potentially ruin everything…


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新月酱 2022-07-01 资讯
后来发现其实[BLACK PACKAGE XXX]其实还是有可能单独弄个分组的,算了这个先这么放着吧,毕竟他们这个内部风格差异也很大。佐々木舞 CV:金田まひる1次HS内算是监禁的题材了,但其实女主们有一定程度的活动范围,大概是前面各种给吓得不敢乱动直到憋不住尿了才不得不去厕所,结果鬼鬼祟祟的样子被男主以为要图谋跑路,当场抓来问话。女主回答得支支吾吾,结
和声递影 2021-10-13 盘点
这个本体连带后面那个FD续作,个人觉得是Black Cyc最后的巅峰了,依然是各种各样奇怪的玩法都有,正常人就不要进来了,剧情其实还算不错,BGM也很带感。对人内心深处恐惧、怯懦、欲望、善良、勇气表现的淋漓尽致,接受重口的话也可以说很色(*オーガスト CV:澄白キヨカ2次HS内一次让男主带路去学校厕所,男主站在门外。女主让男主带去厕所后帮忙把自己抱起来尿
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平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2011-12-23 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2011-12-30 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2016-07-29 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2016-07-29 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2017-04-18 发行语言: English
Black Lilith
C'est moi (Backgrounds)
EDEN (Production)
KIZAWA studio (Demo movie)
巫浄 スウ (Production)
笹山 逸刀斎 (Planning, Original Draft)
Mad Pierrot (Sound production)