瞳の烙淫2 ~絶対不可避の審媚眼~
WitchFlame 发行于 2012-02-24 无中文版

瞳の烙淫2 ~絶対不可避の審媚眼~

DVD PlayerWindows




The protagonist, Yoshikuni Koichi, always worked his hardest to reach out his goals and put in all his effort and talents when doing so. However, one day he suddenly awakened the power to see different paths leading to his goal. He would see multiple options when he was set on doing something such as scoring a full 100 points on a test or gaining some money.

Multiple routes always awaited him... easy, dangerous, difficult, safe - he constantly has to choose one. Despite this, Koichi feels like he's losing himself, feeling as if it's dangerous to depend on his power too much while trying to see what's beyond his almighty power at the same time.

Then, one day, as if it was fate, the power lead him to a girl - Nonomine Senka, the perfect student council president, who was above everything. Grades, looks, popularity, hard work and effort.
Koichi thought it'd be fun to lead her to her downfall, and even more options awaited him - some were more direct, some were more roundabout, some were a lot shorter... Koichi refuses to go with the shortest route, because while it's the easiest option, it's not fun, and he wants to test the limits of almighty power.

He then decides to choose a different route - not deal with Senka directly first, and instead arranges a meeting between him and her fan, and then completely crushes her, only then using her as his fuckdoll afterwards.

"Because I can see everything..."

You can choose whether he acts on his burning lust, the future he desires over, or a completely different route---


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平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2012-02-08 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2012-02-24 发行语言: Japanese
平台: DVD Player R18+
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平台: Windows R18+
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平台: Windows R18+
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平台: Windows R18+
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平台: Windows R18+
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瞳の烙淫2 ~絶対不可避の審媚眼~