金色のコルダ3 AnotherSky
コーエーテクモホールディングス 发行于 2014-01-23 无中文版

金色のコルダ3 AnotherSky

La Corda d'Oro 3 AnotherSky
PlayStation PortablePlayStation Vita




AnotherSky allows players to view the narrative from one of the three main rival schools introduced in the third title. The protagonist's introduction changes with each entry.

- feat. Jinnan
After one of her lessons, the protagonist's violin instructor breaks the hard truth to her: she feels her student will never improve in her current state. The protagonist remembers Ritsu's promise three years prior to meet in the national tournament and feels vexed by the news. Wishing to help foster her student's progress, the instructor hands the protagonist a magazine article regarding one of Tougane's concerts and helps her student enroll at Jinnan High School in Kobe.

- feat. Shiseikan
The protagonist has finished playing at a concert with a lackluster performance. Her grandfather notices her artistic slump and consoles her to reconsider her love for music. He advises the protagonist to live with her mother for a change of pace. As she broods in Sendai's streets, the protagonist spontaneously overhears Arata's trombone and joins him for a live duo. He leaves after their performance, casually stating his club name and high school before disappearing. Feeling invigorated by the experience, the protagonist decides to enroll at Shiseikan High School.

- feat. Yokohama Amane Gakuen
One day, the protagonist and her childhood friend, Kyouya, receive a mysterious letter with admission papers for Amane Gakuen. The protagonist faintly recalls the boy who gave her the golden violin string seven years prior upon seeing the invitation and has a hunch that she may meet the boy at the school. After transferring to Amane Gakuen with Kyouya in tow, the pair are soon challenged by Myouga to improve themselves as worthy additions to the school.

- feat. Hakodate Amane Gakuen
Without any warning, the protagonist is mysteriously amnesic and finds herself on a bus in Hakodate. She is greeted by a listless female student who escorts her to their destination.

Regardless of the school, her goal is to work with her ensemble members to win the national tournament. She hopes to reclaim her lost artistic talent along the way.

Koei Wikia

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又是金恋, 这作真是大活跃, 刚上 switch, 又来整英文版。 直接安排上众筹网站, 有什么好说的? 英文译名: 《Kinkoi: Golden Loveriche Physical Kicks
月幕 2021-03-05 资讯
雪阿宜 2021-06-11 感想评测
14部 Galgame 排行为从游玩时间近到远。 即第1个是最近通关的, 第14个是2020年年初通关的。均会附带小段短评、感想, 下面开始。目录海市蜃楼之馆:纯真的安魂曲 ファタモルガーナの館
月幕 2021-01-01 感想评测
我把金辉恋曲四重奏、金辉恋曲四重奏 Golden Time都破完了! ! ! 我一开始先破了玲奈线,主旨是找到梦想与现实的平衡(大概),这也是唯一一条注重在主角在棒球队时的过去的路线,看到主角找到了自己的平衡,真的蛮感动的呀。 接着我就破了刚解锁的酋线...超无聊的,主旨是有但真的又短又无聊,而且我本来就不怎么喜欢这个角色。
kingandking 2024-07-09 感想评测


平台: PlayStation Portable R12+
发行时间: 2014-01-23 发行语言: Japanese
平台: PlayStation Portable R12+
发行时间: 2014-01-23 发行语言: Japanese
平台: PlayStation Portable R12+
发行时间: 2014-01-23 发行语言: Japanese
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平台: PlayStation Portable R12+
发行时间: 2014-03-27 发行语言: Japanese
平台: PlayStation Portable R12+
发行时间: 2014-03-27 发行语言: Japanese
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发行时间: 2014-09-25 发行语言: Japanese
平台: PlayStation Portable R12+
发行时间: 2014-09-25 发行语言: Japanese
平台: PlayStation Portable R12+
发行时间: 2014-09-25 发行语言: Japanese
平台: PlayStation Vita R12+
发行时间: 2018-09-20 发行语言: Japanese
平台: PlayStation Vita R12+
发行时间: 2018-09-20 发行语言: Japanese
平台: PlayStation Vita R12+
发行时间: 2018-09-20 发行语言: Japanese
平台: PlayStation Vita R12+
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金色のコルダ3 AnotherSky
株式会社エッジワークス (Shiseikan assistance)
青谷 圭 (Shiseikan assistance)