Maid With Perfection
Michaela Laws 发行于 2015-03-31 无中文版

Maid With Perfection

Nintendo SwitchWindows




It’s your lucky day! You won a special lottery! In the mail, you get the deed to a large estate in a place you’ve never heard of. You find yourself being driven there in a luxury car, feeling like a billion dollars.

As you arrive, you meet your maid, whom you get to name. She apparently the best Maid in the area and the fact that she chose you to be her master/mistress should honor you. The first day goes almost like a dream: your maid prepares amazing food, cleans the house, preps your bath, and even flirts with you a bit! Lucky you!

The second day, however, ends up showing you the true nature of the world you now reside in. You are visited by a noble woman and, almost out of the blue, her maid and yours start FIGHTING! You are told that the Maids are the true power of the Nobles and that the Maids are not only trained as servants, but also as Soldiers and Guardians. By moving into the mansion, you signed yourself to represent your maid in the never-ending Maid Games.

The battle between the maids ends in a draw and the noblewoman gives you one week to train your maid up to par. If she loses, you lose the maid AND your fortune! However, she can't just train the entire week! She STILL has to perform her duties as a maid and keep the house clean and keep you fed! If she doesn't, then she will be taken away and replaced!

Will you be able to keep your newly obtained rich life and your maid?!

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品牌:Hulotte发售日期:2011-02-25游戏标签:不思议 恋爱 时间穿梭 女儿 恋爱 校园 『让女儿为你们系上恋的缎带吧!』 本作可攻略角色为五,分别为青梅竹马穗坂 阳奈、游泳部学妹手塚 由美美、学生会长高见泽沙兰、富家姐妹槙喜屋 澄香和槙喜屋 华澄,无剧情锁。单线通关后,追加附赠小故事(无语音);全线通关后,追加女儿日向 遥的新剧情
苏晓 2022-11-07 感想评测
用了半个周末的时间,大概15个小时,算是推完了这部作品。作为新岛夕作品的追随者,很难说我是抱着什么样的想法开始这部作品的。新岛夕系的叙事风格辨识度很高,在玩家中反响也不一而同。虽然每次新岛夕的主笔新作品发布都会让他的户口本减员,但是骂归骂,我还是很中意这样的文风的。以下内容涉及剧透,请谨慎观看 根据bgm评分以及讨论版来看,爱因斯坦更像是赶工出来的半成品,
白狼Roito 2021-09-26 感想评测
观前须知: 剧透程度:轻微。本文将会包含游戏的简介和OP等可公开的情报;游戏内的某些轻微剧透意义CG;某些线路的简略概括。所有游戏均会在文末附上Steam或Dlsite官方购买网址。本文采用芝加哥第17版引用格式。迫于自身能力和篇幅所限,很多东西只浅尝辄止,在此致歉,同时欢迎大家斧正。 如果你时常浸淫于圈内,那一定不少听到过这些为Gal分类的游戏
Mrprivateer 2024-03-13


平台: Windows R13+
发行时间: 2015-03-31 发行语言: English
平台: Windows R13+
发行时间: 2015-07-08 发行语言: English
平台: Windows R13+
发行时间: 2018-10-20 发行语言: Russian
平台: Nintendo Switch 未分级
发行时间: 2019-11-12 发行语言: Russian
平台: Windows R13+
发行时间: 待定 发行语言: English
Maid With Perfection
Michaela Laws
Michaela Laws (Backgrounds)
JarOfMud (Backgrounds)
Michaela Laws (Scripting)
Martha Coleman (Editor)