The story begins two years after Kataoka Yue joined the talent production company “Pythagoras Productions”. She’s worked her way up and now helps manage two of the company’s most popular groups – Marginal#4 & Lagrange Point. One day, Yue and the group members are all called into the company president’s office and introduced to a new group called “Unicorn Jr.” who will have their début at this year’s “Universe Fes”. Once the introductions are over with and everyone leaves the office, the president holds Yue back and tells her that she will be in charge of organising a huge event called “Pythagoras ✰ All Star Fes” featuring all three groups. As she only has 6 months to prepare, the president tells her that she can only be in charge of one group at the moment and asks her choose between the three. Which will she choose? Zettai Renai
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