sin 光臨天使エンシェル・レナFD -FACE THE DESTINY-
Triangle 发行于 2018-12-21 无中文版

sin 光臨天使エンシェル・レナFD -FACE THE DESTINY-

sin Kourin Tenshi En Ciel Rena Fandisk -FACE THE DESTINY-




By loosening the thread of destiny a bit, what could have happened during the harsh fight between justice and evil of Kourin Tenshis can be different. The result is the spinoff scenarios from the established omniverse that are drawn from the new suffering and humiliation of the girls.

『Face the Destiny』
Few months after the girls were able to protect peace of human world, the new kingdom that poses a threat appeared. Lucifer Rena, another possibility of Enciel Rena who was tainted by darkness and became a demon queen, made her appearance. Facing against an overwhelming opponent, Erica and Alicia lost and were raped while Rena was hurt. Lucifer Rena thought that Enciel Rena was stupid for fighting for others' sake. Still, in order to save her friend, Rena decided to not lose herself and refused to be twisted.

『Mask's Blood Tears』
General Cocuitos had sworn to become Rena's ally. However, the invasion from Azahyde kept coming through. Rena was wounded from the fights and the victory on the world side became impossible. Still, Rena continued to fight to protect people, and Concuitos still continued to support her as well. However, even during those hopeless fight, no one was spared from hatred or sadness. The beginning of the end started to prevail along with the sense of emptiness.

『Captured Princess Erica~The Ending of Love and Hatred, Light and Darkness~』
After losing and being taken prisoner by Azahyde, Erica was now lived in a prison. She was teased and raped, and then, Alicia came to dump down on her all the complaints. Everyday, Erica continued to be raped and toyed with, but her did not lose her will to resist. Then, Erica was forced to follow Alicia into Gilbed's lab. There, she continued to be humiliated while her magic was stolen away. Being treated without dignity at all, Erica's heart started to crack. Is there is no other ways for her but only to surrender?

『Anrin Tenshi Alicia~ Bewilderment of Perv Futanari~』
A low rank demon lost its into school and was killed by Alicia. However, she got careless and the demon's poison turned her into a Futanari. Normally, she would handle the low ranking and weak demons easily, but due to the change of her body, Alicia's situation kept getting worse. Soon after, She was cornered by Concuitos and Erica fell into a dangerous situation. Will Alicia be able to decide what to do?

『Cooking Battle! Erica VS Kura!』
「Both are extremely talented at cooking, house chores and great at supporting Rena in all situations! So, we only need one support character!」With that said, a fight between Erica and Kura to determine who is more suited to be the head cook of Tomoe household has begun! The theme for the battle is "flavor of household"! Will there be a proper conclusion to this battle that requires both Erica's and Kura's utmost cooking ability which are their pride?


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平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2018-12-21 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2019-10-25 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2020-06-26 发行语言: Japanese
sin 光臨天使エンシェル・レナFD -FACE THE DESTINY-
野山 風一郎 (Production)
黒井 弘騎 (Planning)
umi (OP 'Far away')
Aintops (OP)