Based on the Anime with the Same Name, Which was Based on a Light novel by Ishibumi Ichiei with Illustrations by Zero Miyama. Hyoudou Issei, a simple-minded, lecherous second-year high school student is killed by an innocent-looking beautiful girl on his very first date. Issei is reincarnated as a devil, with the help of Rias Gremory, and so ends up as her Pawn from then on. Gremory is not only the president of the Occult Research Club, and the prettiest girl on campus, but also a high-ranking devil herself. Are Issei's days without female companionship finally over, or will life after death turn out to be a lot more complicated than he ever imagined? AniDB A Turn-based RPG Game based on the Events of the First Season of the Anime, Described as an "erotic battle adventure" The Game Features a Visual Novel-like Gameplay system.
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