あねいもNeo ~Second Sisters~
Boot Up! 发行于 2012-11-30 无中文版

あねいもNeo ~Second Sisters~

DVD PlayerWindows




A full remake of Puchi Pajamas’ (now bootUP!) 2004 title Aneimo, with different characters and a similar scenario.

Shirou lives with his adopted mother Sakura and her daughters Mai and Nana ever since his parents’ deaths 7 years ago. At first he didn’t feel at ease being with a new family, but Sakura loved him as if he was her own son, so his worries were soon eased. After a few years, his adopted father died in a plane crash. Even with the loss of the central pillar of the family, Sakura continued to steadfastly support them. Now, he lives happily together with his non-blood related family.

One day, his aunt Sawako came to take custody of Shirou. She had wanted to take care of her dear sister’s son from the beginning, but she was only in university back then and faced strong opposition from her parents. Now that she had grown up and started up her own design studio, she wished for him to come live with her. Of course, he didn’t want to leave his current family, but when told that Sakura had been overexerting herself so that all three of them could attend university, he thought that it was best if he left the house to join Sawako.

When he told them of his decision, it was obvious that they didn’t want him to leave, especially the doting Nana who didn’t want to lose her precious older brother. Sawako explained the situation and decided to give them until the start of summer vacation to make a final decision on her proposal, with the condition that she can also live with them temporarily. During that time, his relationship with his sisters gradually changed.

Hau~ Omochikaeri!

相关内容 (‘可能’相关的内容,基于大数据匹配,不一定准)

看题目就知道不算正经作品了,搞笑风为主。 東郷 樹里綾瀬 CV:あかり 1次HS及其前后女主在图书馆写东西前喝了男主准备的放好了利尿剂的饮料,经过男主交谈拖延时间以及一阵羞耻和忍耐描写后,就是封面/文首的这个姿势和装束在地上尿裤子啦,其实作为要到这种程度的失禁其实女主的反应描写是不够的(甚至都可以怀疑是故意配合男主玩的感觉?),但是尿液逐渐扩散的二段CG
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月幕 2020-12-05 资讯
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月幕 2021-01-30 资讯
[ねこねこソフト]作品比较多,但是比较杂,所以其实我也没有完全把全作品整理过,主要以我参考的日本收集网站里给的那几个为主,如果还有大佬补充的话我再后续加上。本社漏尿情节的风格上以年幼系可爱系需要照顾的那种类型为主,还略带点搞笑成分,所以总的来说漏尿次数多但基本上羞耻感不高。初駒ルリ CV:綾瀬あかり1次非HS一次尿床,Q版CG。1次HS内一次高潮漏尿。
和声递影 2021-10-21 盘点


平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2012-11-30 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2013-02-21 发行语言: Japanese
平台: DVD Player R18+
发行时间: 2013-05-16 发行语言: Japanese
あねいもNeo ~Second Sisters~
Boot Up!
桐島 愛里 (OP 'Steadily')