Solomon’s Ring
Plan Peace 发行于 2012-12-20 无中文版

Solomon’s Ring

PlayStation Portable




Based on the Legend of Solomon, who was known to be the third king of the Israelites, who built the Temple of Jerusalem, and who was said to possess a magical ring that had the powers to control demons.

He soon saw the dangers of their arrogance, and sealed them all into a brass vase. Approximately 2500 years later, a certain demon, Lucifer, has taken the reins to be the most powerful demon. He turned his extreme hatred for Solomon into dark magic, and successfully released the seal upon the brass vase. Now free, his goal is nothing less than to seek revenge upon his enemy, Solomon, and destroy the human world in which Solomon lived. Scorched with an evil desire, Lucifer orders demons under him to eliminate Solomon’s descendants as well as the legendary ring.

On the other hand, over the years, the existence of the seal Solomon had left gradually begins to fade within the memories of the people in the human world. It is there that the ******e, Lily, lives humbly while managing a library she inherits from her grandfather. Before her only living relative, her grandfather, passes away, he tells her that she is a descendant of Solomon, and entrusted her with the ring that had been passed on from generation to generation; the ring that is used to face off against demons. However, for Lily, this is nothing but brutal as the powers of the ring aren't awakening.

Being oppressed by this mission, the ones who come to stand before her are a troop of demons. However, the 3 demons that come to rescue her from her plight are none are than ones from the 72 demons that had been sealed together with Lucifer!

There are 12 demons with routes, separated into 4 games by elements with 3 demons per game. The elements are Fire, Water, Wind and Earth.

konnistique's Tumblr

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平台: PlayStation Portable R17+
发行时间: 2012-12-20 发行语言: Japanese
平台: PlayStation Portable R17+
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Solomon’s Ring
Plan Peace
春名 佳純 (Kaze no Shou and Mizu no Shou)
浅生 柚子 (Hi no Shou and Chi no Shou)
野宮 一範 (Kaze no Shou OP 'Kuchibiru no Shirushi ~blowin' in the wind')
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