The game focuses on the lives of Osaki Nana and Komatsu Nana, two girls who moved to Tokyo to make their dreams come true. Komatsu Nana is a small town girl who goes to Tokyo to follow her boyfriend and college friends, with the hope of having her dream life. Osaki Nana was in a popular punk band in her home town. She goes to Tokyo with the goal of making it big as a singer. The two Nanas meet on the train ride to the city. Later, they run into each other again when they happen to check out the same apartment, and the girls decide to become roommates. The series chronicles their friendship and their lives as each chases her dreams. Although they are prominent characters, the game gives the player their own character who lives next to the Nanas in Apt. 708. There are five choices of characters, all are uniquely designed by Yazawa Ai, the original creator, for the game. The player gets to experience the storylines of volumes five through eight. Additionally, the player can meet other characters like Honjo Ren, Ichinose Takumi, or Okazaki Shinichi, and the player can even date them. They can also experience Tokyo life, for example getting part-time jobs, buying clothes, and decorating their room. Nana wiki and
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