人妻AV嬢 瑤子
モーニングスター 发行于 2012-11-29 无中文版

人妻AV嬢 瑤子

Pornstar Wife Yoko




A married woman who's only ever known the boring touch of her husband
awakens the ravenous lewdness within her as an AV actress.
TOTALLY dominated by rough-talking men with MASSIVE cocks who know how to
fuckstart her neglected womanhood back to life! She forgot could feel this good!
Experience her satisfaction while you get yours!
Rich, realistic touch illustrations of throes of ecstasy, by artist Fige!

".......... Just you see here... Let me talk to my husband. I WANT TO TALK TO KAZUKI!"
The walls shook with her outrage.
But even as she yelled, the two men continued their syrupy, crooked smiles.

"Work with us, lady... aahh... Yoko-chan. ... You're 35 years old? ... You look younger. Nah. Let's go with your real age."
Said his assistant, "Customers love that sort of thing. Let's give it to them straight."

As if she wasn't even there, in her own home, completely helpless.
Her husband managed an unprofitable cafe that had gone into deep debt, so he'd taken loans from a man who was now collecting with interest.

"You've been sold, lady. Debt collateral, your own husband gave you up."
She resisted. "That's... that's not... you have to let me talk to him... I don't believe you. Please..."
"Yoko-chan, darling, the fact you're here is proof enough."
"Liars! I'm leaving.... I'm going home to get the truth from him---"

She turned to the door but someone grabbed her wristed and pulled her around.
"Yoko-chan, that debt will follow you home... how will you pay it?"

She struggled with herself. The obligation, the false sense of choice.
Her husband having lost everything, his back hunched and frail like a starving animal.
If she could just submit, do what she had to...
To get home to her husband, they could start over fresh...

"Okay... I'll let you... use me. Get your money back."

If only she had known the future she was laying when those words were spoken. 

DLSite English



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和声递影 2022-05-05 盘点
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月幕 2020-12-16 资讯
监禁凌辱的题材。*出现了男主橙汁,可能对观感有一定影响。大宫司 愛香 CV:桜井みほ1次HS前到内女主HS前喝了利尿剂以后,被迫给男主口交的时候(男主约定自己不射不能让女主去厕所)没憋住尿裤子了,一滩尿湿了整条裤子和地板的构图比较有意思,有较长的憋尿和一点羞耻描写。大宫司 莉慧 CV:青川ナガレ1次HS前到内女主在HS前被男主下了利尿剂以后,啪啪啪到
和声递影 2021-10-16 盘点
*久慈 まひる CV:榎津 まお*3次HS内手机震动刺激的高潮漏尿。跳蛋刺激高潮漏尿。*香蕉灌肠。痛苦失禁。久慈 ひなこ CV:草柳 順子1次HS内振动棒高潮漏尿。*久慈 まひる & 久慈 ひなこ1次HS内*后者一次灌肠排便。前者一次高潮漏尿。久慈 まひる & 金ヶ崎 誉子 CV:三郷 綾夢1次HS内六九前者高潮漏
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平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2012-11-22 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2012-11-29 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2013-05-31 发行语言: Japanese
人妻AV嬢 瑤子