戦国の黒百合 ~ふたなり姫と敵国の姫君~
言葉遊戯 发行于 2012-08-11 无中文版

戦国の黒百合 ~ふたなり姫と敵国の姫君~

Sengoku Black Yuri -Futanari Princess and the Enemy Princess-




Continuing from the previous instalment, Princess Oda Saku of Owari Province continues her struggle to take control of her own future in a time where women are afforded little to no political power.  Amidst the political intrigue, plots, and betrayal, another princess is added to the mix as Owari formally receives and welcomes a noble lady from an enemy nation for diplomatic reasons.

As the head of the Oda Clan and Saku's elder brother, Nobunaga entrusts this princess, Fuki, to Saku's care.  With a bit of investigation, the shrewd and calculating Saku realises Fuki has been abandoned to Owari, and that no one will miss or care whatever may happen to her despite her status as a princess.  At the same time, Saku finds out her brother has been secretly making preparations behind her back to welcome his beloved concubine, Kitsuno, back into the castle.  Though Kitsuno comes from a humble background and has always been in poor health, Saku immediately realises the threat that Kitsuno poses to her power, as both Nobunaga's clear favourite, and as the mother of Nobunaga's eldest son -- and thus the mother of the clan's future successor.

In anger, and in knowing there was little she could do to prevent Kitsuno's arrival, Saku leaves her home to stay with Fuki, under the pretense that she is providing compansionship the princess entrusted to her care.  Instead, she appeases the darkness and sadistic lust inside her by violating Fuki repeatedly, considering her little more than a 'toy' that exists solely for her entertainment.  

The second part of the story tells of Saku's continued attempts to secure her power, only to find it weakened even further as someone discovers her secret...

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*ユーディット CV:春日 アン *3次HS内女主穿着立绘这套裙子突然被一根绳子绑住双脚倒吊在高空中,裙子翻下来,呈现内裤半脱下来的状态,经过一番言语恐吓和吊在空中的事实本身,最后宣称要把她双脚的绳子砍断摔下去的时候吓得漏尿了,尿液顺着重力抛物线下来最终沾湿了裙子,后面也有羞耻描写。女主被牵着进行全裸、项圈的犬pla
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*苍老师加屏蔽词了,如有***影响理解的可在下方评论。 Ver1.01,揣评部分不同感觉用异色表示。 Ver1.02,星号内容按一定的逻辑用异色表示。 Ver1.06,目录中的评分按整数级(54321)用异色表示。 Ver1.10,增加了CV和立绘和文字盘点同场来给人基本印象。 Ver1.11,其实我希望有人能在玩过的条目下评论
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平台: Windows 未分级
发行时间: 2012-02-22 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2012-08-11 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2012-09-06 发行语言: Japanese
平台: Windows R18+
发行时间: 2013-10-11 发行语言: Japanese
戦国の黒百合 ~ふたなり姫と敵国の姫君~