Milk ~ La légende des étoiles
Träumendes Mädchen 发行于 2013-02-20 无中文版

Milk ~ La légende des étoiles





Trapped for eternity in the World That Doesn’t Exist, God gets bored and decides to have fun playing around with mortals. His choice, a marginal teenager seeking for a future, Tarô Caligula, the only son of a humble farmer who is living in a world where cows have an humanoid look. He then comes across five girls that this unpredictable divinity placed on the way: two of them are the heirs of a distant forgotten past, key of the secret behind the existence of humanoid cows; two others takes root in the present, brave girls wishing to shape themselves; the last one represents the future and holds the power to revolutionize the world. It’s up to Tarô to find the truth, with the help of a mysterious alien who seems to know him… but what exactly is his role? And what about his friend Najimi, torn between past and future?

This is not his choice, but yours. But be sure not to upset the God of this world or you'll see through a strange deception...


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平台: Windows R12+
发行时间: 2013-02-20 发行语言: French
平台: Windows R12+
发行时间: 2013-02-20 发行语言: English
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Milk ~ La légende des étoiles
Träumendes Mädchen