令嬢探偵 ~オフィスラブ事件慕~
トムキャットシステム 发行于 2007-02-22 无中文版

令嬢探偵 ~オフィスラブ事件慕~

令嬢探偵 ~オフィスラブ事件簿~
PlayStation 2




From a young age I attended an Escalator style Girls High School.
Even though I was deeply interested in my studies and club activities everyday life was slow and full of boredom.
During those high school days I met a wonderful person.

Kurahashi Yukari... She was like a big sister to me.
She went to the same St Agnes Women's College and learned from lots of interesting books.
They were fun days that I never want to forget. After graduating Yukari started working at a certain company.

In order to chase after her I applied to that same company and got an offer. When I told her her the happy news she replied with a smile.
"But I'm probably going to retire soon."

Surprised I suddenly said, 
"But I really thought it would be nice to spend every day working together..."

Saying those words filled with dissatisfaction was a bit selfish of me, but Yukari just smiled kindly and whispered in my ear.

"You should know by now too, how wonderful love is... right?"
When she said that I felt a weird flustered feeling. A love so wonderful that you can just declare it like that, could I feel that way too someday?

But coming back from my study abroad I was struck by some sudden news.
Yukari killed herself!?
There's no way that happened, she was so happy the last time I saw her.

In order to find the truth of the incident I'm going to work at the same company in the same secretary role that she had from today on.

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平台: PlayStation 2 R15+
发行时间: 2007-02-22 发行语言: Japanese
平台: PlayStation 2 R15+
发行时间: 2008-07-03 发行语言: Japanese
令嬢探偵 ~オフィスラブ事件慕~
山崎 浅吏 (Sagami & Asaumi routes)
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